Tuesday, September 09, 2008


I'd prefer naming babies with name like Fatimatuzzahraa', Ainul Mardhiah, Mariatul Qibtiah, Jannatul Firdaus etc2. Those were names of somebody in history or something stated in the religion. To be true, it was never cross into my mind that Salsabeela would be the name for my first ever baby.

My only hope is that Salsabeela dapat berbakti dan berjasa kepada Tuhan dan alam sekelilingnya dan hadirnya memberi manfaat kepada orang lain... seperti sama indah dan sama manfaatnya sebagai mata air dalam syurga yang tidak pernah kering dan being the only sources of water kepada pada warga syurga. Mengalirnya harum semerbak, mengalirnya memberi manfaat dan kebaikan kepada si peminum. Mata air salsabeela.

I was watching Nightline telling Anwar Ibrahim had won the by-election on 26.08.2008 while waiting for Ide outside the OT at Hospital Temerloh. That was the night I waited so long. My hand was shaking as my voice during performing the azan & iqamah to Salsabeela's ears. She was so cute in that baby tray!

I can remember well the feeling I felt when I walked down the aisle to Labour Room and then the despair during walking out from it when I was informed that Caesarian is the only option I got to get Salsabeela 'out'... the feeling while waiting outside the OT, and the feeling when looking at Salsabeela at the very first time. It was a miracle!

Thanks to those who text me wishing the best for all 3 of us. Picture of my 'along' can be seen at my Friendster profile.

Congrats to Papa Azim too! Ana Khaireen Nuha. Nice name really.


My new wallpaper!